Industrial growth will depend on establishing mutual responsibility between the superior executive and lower level production workers. Existence of congenial industrial relation is more important than the factors like capital, marketing and new methods of production. A good industrial climate is essential for the expansion of industry. It has been increasingly realized that the industrial system has brought about numerous complexities. Higher living standards increase the demand for luxuries and service. So it is obvious that technological advances eliminate long established jobs and create opportunities that require sharply different patterns of experience and education. Economic prosperity permits economic security and public regulation makes the assurance of that security a problem for managers. All these changes have made the present system of employment relationship very complex. Under these circumstances, understanding of human behaviour and human psychology is essential on the part of those responsible for managing manpower resources.
Against this backdrop, Labour – management relations play a predominant role and take part as a vital function in the management of modern corporate administration. For every nation to achieve the normal rate of industrial progress, among other factors, the most important is the continuation of healthy labour- management relations.
Healthy labour-management relations indicate "A situation when labour and management work mutually and pleasantly towards their socially desirable goals". This condition enables them to achieve the desirable social welfare and for that reason increases the per capita income. A study of labour-management relations is noteworthy in the sense that without smooth, cordial, peaceful, and harmonious relations, an organization cannot function smoothly and effectively and contribute its mite to any productive activity. Smooth and cordial relations are essential for any organization if it is to survive for a long time and to achieve the corporate objectives.
It is to be noted that, Maintenance of suitable labour-management relations in industries are of paramount importance to a developing economy. In order to ensure smooth and uninterrupted flow of production, harmonious, cordial and peaceful labour-management relations are essential. Mutual respect, Workers and employers in the exercise of their rights and duties in the operations of the plants ensure in return, security of employment, a high standard of living and social progress.
It is felt that, Smooth, peaceful and cordial labour-management relations is a fundamental pre-requisite not only for the stability, growth and prosperity of the organization but also for the development of the society, nation and the world at large A few of the significant objectives of maintaining healthy, ideal and sound labour-management relations are:-
- Put into practice of the economic conditions of workers in the existing state of industrial management;
- Control of the industries by the state in order to regulate production and industrial relations;
- Nationalization of industries by making the state itself the employer; and
- Transfer of the proprietorship of the industries to the workers.
Therefore, the objectives of the healthy labour-management relations, besides safeguarding the interest of the labour and management, are the increase of production and efficiency of workers and promotion of industrial growth in a country.
One of the objectives of healthy labour-management relations in industry is to elevate productivity to a higher level. This is probable only when all other conditions also stay behind favourable e.g. Availability of materials, power etc. Levels of productivity can be raised only when there is a resonance infrastructure and also labour turnover and absenteeism are controlled effectively. This situation is one of the imperative indicators of good labour-management relations. Besides this, heartening labour participation in managerial decisions through the system of communication, and recognizing the individuality of each labourer go a long way in establishing healthy labour-management relations.
Recently some studies – T.K. Menon and Phatak (1957), Sinha.D (1958), K.N. Sharma (1964), Borjas George (1979), P.P.Arya (1983) have pointed out the fact that if the workers were satisfied, there would be no dispute at all. But the above studies underlined the needs such as, a better system of education, reduction in working hours, leave and better social status.
Monotony caused by over-specialization and by the high repetitive nature of the work is often regarded as the curse of modern industrial activity. Interest in the job is another aspect of job satisfaction. R.Hoppo0ck (1959) reports that 90 percent of a group of 500 teachers like their work. Some recent studies show that the personal factors and interest in the job are positively related. The findings in this respect are in agreement with Smith (1955) T.Narayan Singh (1967) and P.P.Arya (1983)
The supervisory staffs are pivotal in human relations because they provide a two-way connecting link between the workers and the management. They are just like a non-commissioned agent between the labourer and the management.
The relationship between supervisory practices and workers' satisfaction shows a definite pattern in many studies. Studies of Hersy (1955) Thiagarajan (1974), Putnam 91989) and Chudhury (1953) show that the relationship between the supervisor and the individual workman is more important in determining the attitude of the employees than any other single factor. If the workers relations with their supervisors are adverse it will lead to tension and frustration.
Amidst this backdrop, continuance of good human relationship is a sin-qua-non for an organization. In its absence the whole edifice of organizational structure crumbles down. As the contented labour force brings about outstanding results the management must ensure that the employees attain their objectives. This is essential for running the endeavour at its optimum level through group satisfaction.
From the above discussion, it is felt that, Labour-management relations dwell in a significant place in the management of the modern industry and business. In a country like India particularly where most of the business and industry are controlled by private enterprise, the interests of the capitalist and those of the workers are mutually conflicting. The problem of establishing amity, mutual understanding, harmony and cordial and peaceful relations between labour and management has become more and more important.
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